National Tax and Accounting Inc. is a small CPA firm that specializes in small business and individual tax laws.
We are professionals: Our employees have over 10 years of training and experience. We went through 4 years of college, another year of preparation, (half of the people gave up during that time), and it earned us the eligibility to sit for the CPA exam. Only 10% of those who take the test can be called a Certified Public Accountant. And after that, we have to put at least 40 hours a year into study just to maintain the certificate.
We understand tax laws: Our experienced CPA and accountants are working for you, not for the IRS. And we believe that to maintain the integrity of our tax system, all of us (not just wealthy people) should be able to have the tax laws working to our advantage.
We do more than the tax filing: Not only are we great number-crunchers, we also treat business taxes as profit center for our client, this is one thing that sets us apart from other accountants.
We take the IRS off your back: Should you ever receive a letter from the IRS, all you need to do is send the letter to us and we will research and answer it for you. If you are in the 0.1% “lucky one” to get audited by the IRS, we will be there to assist you. If we make a mistake on your tax return, we will pay the penalty and interest.
Check List
To ensure that we have everything we need to process your tax return quickly, make sure that you bring EVERYTHING THAT APPLIES to your situation. Here's the short, less complicated tax return list:
1. Social Security number and dates of birth for all dependents as well as taxpayer and spouse
2. W-2's
3. Prior year tax return
4. Forms 1099-Misc. Independent Contractor income Please review the rest of this list to see if anything applies to your tax situation:
5. All 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-B, 1099-PATR statements.
6. Unemployment compensation Form 1098-G (this may vary by state) Bring in whatever form the state uses to report unemployment compensation benefits.
7. SS-5 Social Security Benefits Statement
8. Mortgage interest statement
9. Real Estate Tax and Personal Property Tax Statements
10. Income and Expenses from a business you own
11. Basis of stocks sold
12. Form 8832 or Divorce decree for non-custodial parent claiming a dependent child
13. Schedule K-1 from partnership, S-corporation, or a trust
14. Rent income and expenses for rental units
15. Nonresident Aliens need to bring in their Visa and Passport and any work authorization documentation
16. Estimated tax payment amounts
17. Alimony paid and received
18. 1099-R - Pension and Annuity income
19. If part-year Ohio resident need the dates you moved into the state and the dates in other states if we are going to prepare the other state returns.
20. Royalty amounts
21. Real Estate Buy/Sell Agreements
22. Stock Appreciation Rights (stock options)
23. Medical, business, and charitable mileage
24. Any form that says "Do not throw away, Tax Document"